
Our Potions Master - Goodbye

Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2016 | |

Yesterday could've been such a great day. It all started off as a seemingly good day and then I checked my twitter only to hear the news of Alan Rickman's death. I honestly thought it was a fake or a fraud. I refused to believe it and chose to wait if the news changed. I am so sad to say they did not. You see, celebrity deaths don't usually get me that much. But with Alan Rickman passed, it's like I have lost part of my childhood. Not a giant chunk of it, of course not. But no matter how small, a part is now gone. I wish I could write an essay about what a great and talented actor he was and that I'd seen him in more productions than Harry Potter and Love Actually, but I haven't, so I can't. I wish I could've seen him perform on stage, but I didn't. It's weird to see someone go whom you've never even met, or who isn't even prominent in your thoughts but who still, as portraying Professor Snape, has always been there somehow. Not a giant figure who's influenced my life but he was just there, in the background. A person who has brought a complex character to life so brilliantly. And since I feel deeply connected to Harry Potter, also deeply connected to me. A sad day indeed.

I raise my wand for you, Alan Rickman. You will be remembered.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Da hab ich auch eine Kleinigkeit für Mit Vergnügen geschrieben: - Traurig, aber jeder geht irgendwann ♥


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